The National Association for Donation and Transplantation is a membership-based non-profit organization established to represent and protect common interests, unite and consolidate the efforts of organizations and individuals in studying the issue of organ and tissue donation and transplantation, and to enhance the efficiency of medical organizations' activities regarding the implementation of organ and tissue donation and transplantation within the Russian Federation.
Chance for life:
Key principles of donation and transplantology
Each of us may find ourselves in a situation where we need a transplant of a donor organ. Very often, this is the only chance for people with incurable diseases to survive. A donated organ or part of it is transplanted to replace the damaged one, giving a person a chance to recover.
According to Russian legislation, a living donor can be any mentally competent adult genetic relative of the patient who is suitable in terms of health. Donors may include parents donating to their children, as well as adult siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and adult children donating to their parents. However, spouses are not considered eligible as donors. Living donors can donate part of their liver or one kidney to a relative. A donor can live a full life with one kidney, while the liver regenerates to its original size, allowing the donor to lead a normal life.

However, a donor's organs may not be suitable for the recipient for various reasons, such as chronic diseases in the donor. It is also clearly impossible to remove lungs or the heart from a living person.

Worldwide, according to international conventions and declarations, preference is given to promoting deceased organ donation. This strategy is adopted because deceased organ donation is considered a national resource for a country and its citizens. In Russia, as in most countries, there is a presumption of consent: any citizen of the Russian Federation can be considered a donor after death unless they explicitly opted out during their lifetime.
Information for patients

  • Transplantation for Russian Citizens is Free under the High-Cost Medical Care Quota (VMP): Citizens of the Russian Federation receive transplantation services free of charge as part of the state-funded high-cost medical care program.
  • Living Donors Must Be Genetic Relatives: According to Russian law, only a genetic relative of the patient can become a living organ donor.
  • Restrictions for Foreign Citizens: In Russia, foreign citizens are eligible only for related-donor transplants. Transplantation using organs from deceased donors is not performed for foreign citizens or stateless individuals in the Russian Federation.
Rights and responsibilities of patients
Saving lives and preserving human health is the primary goal of medical activity. According to Federal Law No. 323-FZ dated November 21, 2011 (Chapter 2, Article 4), the fundamental principles of healthcare protection in the Russian Federation are as follows:
  • 1
    Protection of citizens' rights in the field of healthcare and the provision of state guarantees associated with these rights.
  • 2
    Priority of the patient's interests when receiving medical care.
  • 3
    Priority of protecting children's health.
  • 4
    Social protection of citizens in the event of loss of health.
  • 5
    Responsibility of government bodies, local self-government authorities, and officials of organizations for ensuring citizens' rights in the field of healthcare.
  • 6
    Accessibility and quality of medical care.
  • 7
    Prohibition of refusal to provide medical care.
  • 8
    Priority of prevention in the field of healthcare.
  • 9
    Confidentiality of medical information (observance of doctor-patient confidentiality).
Kidney transplantation in Russia.
High-quality medical care at an affordable price
Organ transplantation is a complex procedure that requires highly skilled medical professionals and state-of-the-art equipment. Russia has several medical centers specializing in transplantation, with extensive experience in performing such surgeries.
Why choose Russia for kidney transplantation:
  • Highly qualified specialists
    Russian medical centers are staffed with experienced surgeons, nephrologists, and transplant specialists who adhere to international standards of care.
  • Modern medical technology
    These centers are equipped with advanced technology and infrastructure necessary for successful transplantation procedures.
  • Affordable Cost
    Compared to many Western countries, the cost of kidney transplantation in Russia is significantly lower, making it an attractive option for patients seeking high-quality care without breaking the bank
  • Well-Established Practices
    Russian medical institutions have a long history and well-developed protocols for organ transplantation, ensuring safe and effective procedures.
  • Comprehensive Care
    Patients receive comprehensive care, from pre-operative evaluation and preparation to post-operative follow-up and rehabilitation.
  • Government Standards
    The field of transplantation in Russia is strictly regulated by federal laws, ensuring transparency, safety, and ethical practices.
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